ILRU Directory of Statewide Independent Living Councils (SILCs)

Note: The ILRU Directory of Statewide Independent Living Councils (SILCs) is maintained by ILRU based on voluntary reports from SILCs, CILs, and state association of centers. From time-to-time ILRU supplements self-reported information with surveys of these organizations.

Statewide Independent Living Councils (SILCs)

Each state and US territory is required to maintain a statewide independent living council (SILC). The Council and the Centers for Independent Living (CILs) within the state develop a State Plan for Independent Living (SPIL). The SPIL is a document required by law that indicates how the IL Network is going to improve independent living services for individuals with disabilities over the next three years. It identifies the needs and priorities of consumers, providers, and other stakeholders and sets forth goals and objectives to respond to them.

Having a strong network for independent living in a state or territory is crucial. Collaborating on the SPIL development can help create a cohesive and unified vision among all stakeholders who have an interest in issues that impact citizens with disabilities.  To get involved in your state or to get more information about the SILC and the IL Network, click on your state or territory in the map above or on the state/territory link below for contacts.

To submit an addition or correction to the Directory, email

Submit information on changes in personnel, mailing address or phone number for the council by using the link above and completing the online form.

Alphabetic List of States and Territories