News & Announcements

How you feel can affect your ability to carry out everyday activities, your relationships, and your overall mental health. How you react to your experiences and feelings can change over time. Emotional wellness is the ability to successfully handle life’s stresses and adapt to change and difficult times. Flip each card below for checklists on how to improve your health in each area. Click on the images to read articles about each topic. You can also print the checklists separately or all together to share with others or as a reminder to yourself.

Sat, 02/10/2024 - 12:18
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Under a contract with ACL’s Administration on Disabilities (AoD), the Association of University Centers on Disabilities (AUCD) is leading the development of a model for peer-to-peer support to help people with disabilities find — and, most importantly, learn to use — augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) tools.

Wed, 02/21/2024 - 12:19
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In today’s post, Edwin Walker, who will retire later this year from his role as the deputy assistant secretary for aging, passes the baton to his successor.

Wed, 02/07/2024 - 13:00
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Updates include quicker access to needed funds, expanded eligibility for property and home repairs, and an easier application process to jumpstart recovery from disasters.
Wed, 01/31/2024 - 13:00
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Do you live with a disability? Please share your voice through the National Survey on Health and Disability (NSHD)!

Disability Snapshot

The NSHD is one of the only national surveys that exclusively focuses on people with disabilities, and time is running out to participate!

The data from the NSHD provide a snapshot of the state of disability in the U.S. We need your help to make this snapshot accurate! The NSHD is a valuable dataset, and an avenue to share your concerns and experiences related to: 

Wed, 01/31/2024 - 22:18

The Healthy Community Living (HCL) Program provides trainings to organizations and individuals who want to facilitate curriculum-based workshops with community members with disabilities. The suite of workshops explore how health, wellness, and community participation goals can enhance quality of life. Discover the valuable offerings of HCL, including the popular Facilitating Groups Training workshop. Workshop participants learn skills and receive facilitated support to put their goals into action.

Wed, 02/07/2024 - 12:18
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Help with HR and Risk Challenges

Fri, 02/09/2024 - 12:18

The Center of Excellence to Align Health and Social Care (COE) is making progress toward the widely anticipated release of our Community Care Hub (CCH) RFP funded through a Cooperative Agreement with the Administration for Community Living. We anticipate release to occur in early- to mid-February. Watch this space for an announcement and link to the RFP!

Wed, 02/14/2024 - 12:18
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The U.S.

Wed, 02/14/2024 - 12:18
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