AARP’s Long-Term Services and Supports State Scorecard Released

Major gaps exist in the care provided to older adults and people with disabilities in the US, according to AARP’s new Long-Term Services and Supports (LTSS) State Scorecard.

The Scorecard, co-funded by JAHF, uses data from a wide range of sources to comprehensively describe how state LTSS systems are performing. Despite more overall progress than the last update in 2020, every state has areas for improvement, especially related to the long-term care workforce, equity in nursing homes, support for family caregivers and emergency preparedness.

"Every person, regardless of where they live, their race, or their socioeconomic background, deserves long-term care that is accessible, safe and prioritizes what matters most to them,” said Terry Fulmer, PhD, RN, FAAN, president of The John A. Hartford Foundation. “The Scorecard shows that there are significant regional and racial disparities in the care a person receives. State policymakers can and should take steps now to close the gap in access to quality care.”

Visit the website to see where your state ranks.

This item is posted for The John A. Hartford Foundation.