Nominations Now Being Accepted for HHS Long COVID Advisory Committee

Last week, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced the establishment of the HHS Secretary’s Advisory Committee on Long COVID. This committee is called for in the National Research Action Plan on Long COVID, published in April of 2022. The advisory committee will bring perspectives from outside the government to make recommendations on research and innovation for a whole-of-government response to the longer-term impacts of COVID-19 and associated conditions.Nominations are due by January 16, 2024. People with multidisciplinary experience supporting and caring for those affected by Long COVID are encouraged to apply. HHS is specifically interested in receiving nominations of people who have had Long COVID and other disability stakeholders. Nominations are being sought from representatives of:
  • Long COVID and related groups
    • Individuals living with Long COVID and organizations directly engaged in supporting people living with Long COVID. 
  • Professional associations
    • Medical professional, behavioral health, and human services associations that advocate for practitioners caring for people with Long COVID, including those working in the primary health care system.
  • Disability and chronic illness groups
    • Associations, advocates, researchers, or organizations focused on disability and chronic illness and their possible interplay with Long COVID. 
  • Public health and related groups
    • Public health groups supporting communities in addressing the impacts of Long COVID.
  • Health care and social care providers
    • Clinical care settings and health systems involved in providing care for patients with Long COVID, including in underserved areas, such as rural communities and communities disproportionately impacted by Long COVID. 
  • Employee and employer-related groups
    • Employee and employer experts, attorneys, or organizations involved in addressing the impacts of Long COVID in the workplace, including discrimination. 
  • Research
    • Researchers and research institutions involved in Long COVID and associated conditions research. 
  • Non-voting industry representatives
    • People involved in, or representing those involved in, Long COVID research and development, including prevention, diagnostics, and treatment will be designated to represent the interests of this sector. 
Please see the Federal Register Notice for more details and information on how to apply.
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