Join the Watch Party for "The Human Trial"

ILRU and the Southwest ADA Center have joined our friends the American Association on Health and Disability (AAHD), and the All of Us Research Program inviting you to join us for virtual FREE screening of the film "The Human Trial" on April 3, 2023 at 11:30 a.m. Central. The film tells the story of an innovative clinical trial for patients with Type 1 Diabetes, interweaving patient stories with those of the researchers working to innovate a cure. We invite you to bring your lunch or a snack and join us virtually as we watch the film via Zoom at:

THEN... tune in the following day on April 4th at 4 PM ET | 3 CT |

2 MT | 1 PT for a separate panel discussion with the filmmaker moderated by Karl Cooper from AAHD. The panel will include the filmmaker Lisa Hepner and experts in the Diabetes and cure research space, including patient advocate Kristy Birchard. Register for the free on-demand screening and panel discussion here: 

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