Get on the Same Page to Improve Age-Friendly Care for All

The Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) has released a blog, "Get on the Same Page to Improve Age-Friendly Care for All."

The blog describes Oregon Health & Science University's (OHSU) engagement in Age-Friendly Health Systems (AFHS) equity work, resulting in the first study to include health equity data as part of AFHS outcomes. OHSU collected data on the 4Ms, what Matters, Medication, Mentation and Mobility, and described their findings in a Journals of Gerontology paper. The blog highlights differences found in receiving 4Ms care across five measures: gender, race, ethnicity, preferred language and electronic patient portal (MyChart) activation.

The OHSU team identifies institutional quality priorities to achieve goal concordant care and align high-risk medication reduction with quality metrics for risk payment models in ambulatory care. The blog further describes how OHSU is gaining momentum with stakeholders and making data collection easier through utilizing data visualization software.

Visit the website for complete information.

For more information visit The John A. Hartford Foundation website.

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