Opportunity for CILs to Participate in New Models of Care

Don’t miss out on an important conversation about what the CY 2024 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule Final Rule could mean for addressing HRSNs!

Join the @Partnership to Align Social Care for an upcoming webinar, The Medicare Physician Fee Schedule Includes Codes to Address HRSNs...What Happens Next?, on Wednesday, November 15 from 4-5pm ET.

Attendees will hear an overview of the PFS final rule sections that are pertinent to Medicare Providers and CBOs screening for and addressing HRSNs and opportunities available for organizations, hospitals, and providers that would like additional information on how to implement new models of care. CBO and community care hub, health plan, health system, and provider stakeholders who want to learn more about how the coding and payment changes will impact efforts to align health and social care ecosystems are encouraged to join.

Register for the November 15th event here: https://bit.ly/49rDQP5

Visit the Partnership to Align Social Care website for more information.

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