Alison Barkoff Announces Departure From HHS

This morning, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) shared the news that Alison Barkoff will leave ACL in early October. Alison will join George Washington University Milken Institute School of Public Health as the Harold and Jane Hirsh Associate Professor of Health Law and Policy and director of the Hirsh Health Law and Policy Program.

“It has been the honor of a lifetime to lead the Administration for Community Living and the incredible team that is working to make it possible for all people, regardless of age or disability, to live self-determined lives,” said Alison Barkoff. “Thanks to their dedication and hard work, the support of the Biden-Harris Administration and HHS leadership, and our partnerships across federal government and the aging and disability networks, we have taken action and made substantial progress on the issues that are most important to people with disabilities and older adults. ACL’s mission is my own life’s mission, and I am looking forward to building upon the work we have done together in my new role.”

Read the full HHS press release