Building Self-Sustaining Programs: Business Acumen Learning Collaborative Discussion (1 Hour)

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About the Training

The IL-NET National Training and Technical Assistance Center at ILRU led a Business Acumen Learning Collaborative (BALC) in July 2019. Ten centers for independent living (CILs) were selected from numerous applicants to participate in the twelve month learning collaborative focused on creating business propositions and building self-sustaining programs. Three of these CILs provided insights and strategies into the process of learning a new way of doing business in a panel discussion moderated by Richard Petty, Project Director of the IL-NET. The CILs that participated in the discussion were:

  • Michelle Crain, Executive Director, Lifetime Independence for Everyone (LIFE), Lubbock, TX
  • Marty Dombrowski, Assistant Director, Center for Independent Living of South Central, Pennsylvania, Altoona, PA
  • Ryan Nolan, Controller, Resource Center for Independent Living, Utica, NY

The panel discussion is available on-demand in a two-part series, in addition to a document that highlights the responses and key takeaways from each of the CILs that participated in the panel discussion.

Additional Training, Publications, and Resources on Business Acumen