Getting on Board: Recruitment & Composition for Statewide Independent Living Councils (SILCs) (1.25 Hours)

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About the training

Building an effective, compliant SILC is a tough job. We all know that SILCs must include a majority of people with disabilities, but there are also limits on terms, CIL representation, state agencies, and more. We must also work to ensure a diverse SILC that matches the demographic makeup of the state. Building a committed, diverse, and engaged Council can be difficult, but it is possible.

Target Audience

SILC Chairs, Executive Directors, and staff

Learning Objectives

Upon completion of this webinar, participants will have knowledge and resources that will enable them to: 

  • Describe the statutory requirements for composition of Statewide Independent Living Councils (SILCs).
  • Explain how states implement the federal requirements.
  • Describe effective strategies to strengthen SILC member recruitment processes that will result in committed, diverse and highly engaged council members.
  • Identify ongoing issues SILCs and states frequently face regarding SILC composition and recruitment.
  • Describe effective strategies for responding to barriers, challenges and compliance issues, with shared examples and lessons learned from the states of Kansas and Ohio.

View the Training (01:15:43)

Other Training and Publications on SILC Roles and Responsibilities