Stephanie Jensen

Author Profile


Stephanie Jensen has been working with independent living since she earned her master’s degree in rehabilitation counseling from Utah State University in 2008. She began at the Idaho SILC working on a Medicaid Infrastructure Grant. She currently manages the Independent Living programs for the Wyoming Division of Vocational Rehabilitation, where she has been for the past five years. She is the Vocational Rehabilitation representative on the SILC and is the liaison between the SILC and VR. She has assisted the SILC with virtual meetings, which has been beneficial due the frontier nature of Wyoming and its unpredictable weather. She worked with the SILC to use Google Hangouts for the meetings when the State first made the change.

Contact Info: 

Telephone: [307-777-7191] 
Wyoming Statewide Independent Living Council, 122 West 25th Street, 1100 Herschler Bldg. 1E, Cheyenne, WY 82002