5 Common Signs of Dementia You Need to Know to Support Older Adults

Next Avenue has published an article by Terry Fulmer, PhD, RN, FAAN, president of The John A. Hartford Foundation, on "5 Common Signs of Dementia You Need to Know to Support Older Adults."

The article talks about how to spot the difference between normal behavior related to aging and more concerning changes related to dementia. Highlighted are common scenarios you might observe for anyone who cares for, lives with or regularly sees an older adult. The article describes the following changes to look out for:

  • Withdrawal from work or social activities
  • Confusion with time or place
  • Trouble finding the words
  • Problematic decision-making
  • Major mood swings

This is part of the JAHF-sponsored special report on Caregiving in America: The 24/7 Caregiver. The special report calls attention to diverse caregivers and their needs, explores what an inclusive, comprehensive space for caregivers looks like, talks about support and resources and what’s on the horizon to support caregivers in the future.

Read the article.
Go to the Next Avenue Caregiving in America: The 24/7 Caregiver series.

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