ACS Changes Will Undercount Americans with Disabilities

Some of you may already be aware that the Census Bureau has proposed changing how disability information is collected in the American Community Survey (ACS).
Here are the two main things you should know:
  1. The proposed changes will reduce the U.S. disability rate from 13.9% to 8.1%. This doesn’t mean that fewer people experience disability, but that fewer people will be officially “counted” as disabled.
  2. This change has largely excluded the voices of the disability community and disability scholars.  
RTC:Rural staff have been discussing this issue with our national partners to strategize a response. In collaboration with Jean Hall, University of Kansas, we drafted a letter to collect signatures throughout our networks in opposition to this proposal.

Take action!

You can use this form to view and SIGN ON to the letter. All signatures are due by Monday 11/27 @ 8pm ET. Please share widely with your networks.

Visit the website to sign on to the letter today.

This letter and signature list will be sent to the Census Bureau director and leaders at the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the National Council on Disability, and the Office of Management and Budget.