Readiness Assessment Tools

Is your CBO ready to enter into partnerships with health care? 

As the health care landscape evolves, aging and disability community-based organizations are adapting to the changing environment by exploring new opportunities to engage health care providers and payers in partnerships. This process involves evaluating your organization’s readiness for this work and analyzing the market around you—both in terms of opportunities and competition. While this may seem like a daunting task, these tools provide the framework and guidance that you can use to conduct these internal and external assessments.

Our assessment tools are designed to guide your organization through the process of successfully preparing, securing, and maintaining contracts with the health care sector. These tools are meant to inspire conversation across all levels of organizations readying themselves for these partnerships. Your organization will benefit most by completing these assessments as a team, rather than just by one person alone.

While it is beneficial to complete all of these assessments, you do not need to use them concurrently. Regardless of how your organization opts to use these tools, be sure to carefully consider each question and answer them all to the best of your ability.

These six assessment tools (Readiness Assessment, Network Readiness Assessment, External Market Analysis, Opportunity Assessment, Competitor Analysis, and Building the Business Case for Partnership) were developed through a partnership between the Aging and Disability Business Institute and Collaborative Consulting.

Visit the website for complete information.

This item is posted for the Aging and Disability Business Institute. ILRU is one of the lead partners in the Business Institute, providing training and technical assistance to centers for independent living and other community-based organizations in securing contracts with health plans and payers to provide community living services to people with disabilities.