Barry Fox-Quamme

Author Profile


Barry Fox-Quamme is an expert in the Independent Living (IL) Movement and in the Aging & Disability Resource Connection (ADRC) system in Oregon and nationally. He is a member of the governing council of Metro Portland ADRC and is the Oregon IL Representative to the Federal ADRC Learning Collaborative sponsored by the Administration for Community Living (ACL).

Mr. Fox-Quamme is the president of the Association of Oregon Centers for Independent Living (AOCIL) and a member of the Oregon State Independent Living Council (SILC). He was also a founding member of the Oregon Health & Sciences University (OHSU) Community Partners Council (CPC) and the Interfaith Disabilities Network of Oregon (IDNO). He is a contributor to National Institute of Health (NIH) and National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR) grants in collaboration with OHSU and Portland State University's (PSU) Regional Research institute (RRI).

Mr. Fox-Quamme is an Executive Peer Mentor for CILs across the country through the Association of Programs for Rural Independent Living (APRIL). He has also served as a Non-Federal Reviewer for the Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA).

Mr. Fox-Quamme is the Executive Director of Independent Living Resources (ILR) in Portland, Oregon which is one of more than 400 peer-based, cross-disability Centers for Independent Living (CILs) in the United States. CILs arose from The Civil Rights Movement and are characterized by a majority of the staffs and boards being people who experience some type of disability. Mr. Fox-Quamme is a 16-year survivor of an acquired brain injury as a result of a brain and spinal cord infection.

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